This article discusses the research and special usage of a sound and light indicator of a kind of logic pulse probe. 本文介绍了一种声和光指示的瞬间电脉冲检测器的研制及其特殊用途。
This paper uses Fuzzy Logic Theory to explain the optimization of EMI/ EMC near field probe. 利用模糊逻辑理论对近场电磁探测器进行优化说明。
In the former case, logic about action name developed to be a probe into action logic in analysing action sentence. 在应该做逻辑的研究方向上,行动名称的逻辑之后,产生以分析行动语句而生成的行动逻辑的探索。
Making use of logic analyzer, oscillograph and bus analyzer, we can design and test the superhigh density FPGA, and transmit the signal to the instrument through probe and linker. 设计和验证超高密度FPGA的方法是采用逻辑分析仪、示波器和总线分析仪,通过测试头和连接器把信号送到仪器上。
In this paper, we use the theories of logic thinking method and literature method to probe into how to introduce Multimedia CAI to physics experimental instruction of universities. 本文运用逻辑思维方法、文献法等理论研究方法,就如何在大学物理实验教学中引入多媒体CAI进行辅助教学作了探讨。
The research and application of an audible logic pulse probe 逻辑脉冲电平讯响和光指示器的研究及使用
Research of Circuit of Universal Logic Probe with Narrow Pulse Indication 具有窄脉冲指示的通用逻辑探头电路研究
The design of the logic data sampling channel, including the design of the logic probe, the digital process of the signal, as well as the design of analog and digital signal multiplexing circuit. 2. 本文的主要工作内容有:1.数据采集通道部分设计:包括逻辑探头的设计、信号的数字化处理和数字模拟信号复用电路的设计。